Published or accepted to be published in journals covered by SCI, SSCI or AHCI |
International |
- Burak Doğu , Hayriye Özen and Begüm Pasin.
(2022) Environmental Mobilizations Through Online Networks: An Analysis of Environmental Activism on Turkey’s Twittersphere. International Journal Of Communication , Vol. 16, 5247-5269, ISBN: 1932-8036
- Aysun Akan , Selin Türkel , Ebru Uzunoğlu and Aytunç Erçifci.
(2022) Examining national identity building from a network analysis perspective: The semantic structure of Kemalist journal Ülkü. İLEF , Vol. 9, No. 1, 85-115,
- Serkan Şavk , Burak Doğu.
(2021) Mapping Yeşilçam: A relational approach to the Turkish film industry. CINEJ Cinema Journal , Vol. 9, No. 2, 193-230, ISBN: 2159-2411
- Altug Akin.
(2021) Marshall Plan Films and Documentaries: A Meditation on Origin of Communication for Development in Turkey. Ankara Üniversitesi İlef Dergisi , Vol. Güz, 9-32, ISBN: Özel Sayı: 2. CIDA
- A. Özgür Gürsoy .
(2020) From Life to Its Online School: An Analysis of Alain de Botton’s ‘The School of Life’ as Strategy and Tactic. Turkish Review Of Communication Studies , No. 36,
- Gökçen Karanfil , A. Özgür Gürsoy.
(2020) From Life to its Online School: An Analysis of Alain de Botton’s ‘The School of Life’ as Strategy and Tactic. Türkiye İletişim Araştırmaları Dergisi , No. 36, ISBN: e-ISSN 2630-6220
- Hayriye Özen , Burak Doğu.
(2020) Mobilizing in a Hybrid Political System: The Artvin Case in Turkey. Democratization ,
- Burak Doğu.
(2019) Environment as politics: Framing the Cerattepe protest in Twitter. Environmental Communication , Vol. 13, No. 5, 617-632, ISBN: 1752-4032
- Burak Doğu.
(2019) Political use of Twitter in post-Gezi environmental protests. Middle East Journal Of Culture And Communication , Vol. 12, No. 2, 185-204, ISBN: 1873-9865
- Burak Doğu , Hazım Onur Mat.
(2019) Who sets the agenda? Issue ownership in Turkeys political Twittersphere. International Journal Of Communication , Vol. 13, ISBN: 1932-8036
- Altug Akin , Bilge Yesil.
(2019) Introduction to Special Issue. Middle East Journal Of Culture And Communication , Vol. 12, No. 2, 129-132,
- Altug Akin , Burcu Yaman Akyar.
(2019) 2011-2013 Constitution-making Process and Media Field in Turkey. Kültür Ve Iletisim , Vol. 22, No. 43, 105-128,
- Altug Akin.
(2019) Does Journalism Exist in Turkey?. Middle East Journal Of Culture And Communication , Vol. 12, No. 2, 205-2019,
- A. Özgür Gürsoy.
(2019) Unconscious Reasons: Habermas, Foucault and Psychoanalysis. Continental Philosophy Review , Vol. 52, No. 1,
- A. Özgür Gürsoy.
(2018) The Limits of Experience: Idealist Moments in Foucaults Conception of Critical Reflection. Philosophy Today ,
- Lyndon Way , Gökçen Karanfil , Aytunç Erçifci.
(2018) See no evil, read no evil: the failing role of Turkish newspapers in coverage of Turkeys 2016 coup attempt. Critical Discourse Studies ,
- Özgür Gürsoy.
(2018) The Limits of Experience: Idealist Moments in Foucault’s Conception of Critical Reflection.. Philosophy Today , Vol. 62:4 (fort,
- Burak Doğu.
(2017) Turkeys news media landscape in Twitter: Mapping interconnections among diversity. Journalism ,
- Özgür Gürsoy , Gökçen Karanfil.
(2017) The Afterlife of Critique: The Communicability of Criticism and the Publicity of Polemic Concerning Public Debate in the Turkish Press. International Jurnal Of Communication , Vol. 11, No. 2017, 1261-1275, ISBN: 19328036/20170005
- Altug Akin.
(2017) Conditions of sense making and news making in Turkey after the failed coup attempt: Sisyphus labor on two fronts. Journalism: Theory, Practice & Criticism , Vol. 18(4), 518-532,
- Lyndon Way , Aysun Akan.
(2017) Coverage of bombings for political advantage: Turkish on-line news reporting of the 2016 Ankara attacks. Social Semiotics ,
- Burak Doğu.
(2015) Comparing online alternative and mainstream media in Turkey: Coverage of the TEKEL workers protest against privatization. International Journal Of Communication , Vol. 9, 630-651,
- Bayraktutan Günseli , Vd. .
(2014) Siyasal İletişim Sürecinde Sosyal Medya ve Türkiye’de 2011 Genel Seçimlerinde Twitter Kullanımı. Bilig , Vol. 68, 59-96,
- Yeşim Kaptan , Gökçen Karanfil.
(2013) RTU(®)K, Broadcasting, and the Middle East: Regulating the Transnational. International Journal Of Communication , Vol. 7, 2232-2340,
- Gökçen Karanfil , Yeşim Kaptan.
(2013) Introduction. International Journal Of Communication (Special Section: Turkey, Teh Middle East And The Media) , Vol. 7, 2419-2423,
- Altug Akin.
(2013) The reality is not as it seems from Turkey”: Imaginations about the Eurovision Song Contest from its production fields. International Journal Of Communication , Vol. 7, 2303-2321,
- Aysun Akan.
(2011) ‘A Critical Analysis of the Turkish Press Discourse Against Non-Muslims: A Case Analysis of the Newspaper Coverage of the 1942 Wealth Tax’. Middle Eastern Studies , Vol. 47, No. 4, 605-622, ISBN: ISSN 0026-3206 Print
- Gokcen Karanfil.
(2009) Pseudo-exiles and reluctant transnationals: disrupted nostalgia on Turkish satellite broadcasts. MEDIA CULTURE & SOCIETY , Vol. 31, No. 6, ISBN: 0163-4437
- Gökçen Karanfil.
(2007) Satellite Television and Its Discontents: Reflections on the Experiences of Turkish Australian Lives. CONTINUUM: Journal Of Media And Cultural Studies , Vol. 21, No. 1,
Published or accepted to be published in journals covered by other indexes |
National |
- Altug Akin.
(2016) Medya Gücünü Aşındırma Girişimi Olarak Taraftar Tepkiselliği: “Medya Mağduru” Tribüncüler Medyaya Karşı. Maltepe Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Dergisi , Vol. 3(1), 55-79,
- Burak Doğu.
(2015) Veri haberciliği: Demokratik medya için olanaklar. Folklor Edebiyat , Vol. 21, No. 83, 181-197, ISBN: 1300-7491
- Günseli Bayraktutan.
(2012) Türkiyede 2011 Genel Seçimlerinde Twitterın ve Facebookun Siyasi Partiler ve Liderler tarafından Kullanılması Üzerine NicelNitel Arayüzey İncelemesi Örneğini Değerlendirmek. Selçuk İletişim , Vol. 7, No. 3, 5-29,
- Altug Akin.
(2010) Eurovision Şarkı Yarışması üzerine bir monografik inceleme. İletişim Araştırmaları , Vol. 8-2, 115-132,
- Burak Doğu.
(2007) Bilgisayar Oyunlarına Kültürel Bir Yaklaşım: The Sims 2 Modeli. Folklor Edebiyat Dergisi , Vol. 13, No. 50,
International |
- A. Özgür Gürsoy .
(2021) Hakikatin Ötesi, Berisi, Kendisi: “Hakikat-ötesi” Kavramına Dair Eleştirel Bir Çözümleme. Kaygı , Vol. 20, No. I,
- Altug Akin , Burak Dogu.
(2017) NGOs in Turkeys media field: Causes, sources and potentials for development. Markets, Globalization & Development Review , Vol. 2, No. 2, ISBN: 2473-4055
- Gökçen Karanfil , D. Burcu Eğilmez.
(2017) Politics, Culture and Media: Neo-Ottomanism as a Transnational Cultural Policy on TRT El Arabia and TRT Avaz. Markets, Globalization And Development Review ,
- Çağla Kaya , Altuğ Akın.
(2017) Televizyon Haberciliğinde Küresel Etkileşim Örneği Olarak NTV-BBC İlişkisi. Global Media Journal TR Edition , Vol. 7(14), 83-104,
- Altug Akin , Burak Dogu.
(2017) NGOs in Turkey’s Media Field: Causes, Sources and Potentials for Development. Markets, Globalization & Development Review , Vol. 2, No. 2,
- Aysun Akan , Zafer Yörük.
(2015) Studies in a Dying Culture: Kemalist Columnists Coverage of the Kurdish Peace Initiative. Athens Journal Of History , Vol. 1, No. 2, 115-134,
- Altug Akin , Emrah Ziraman.
(2015) Power struggle in/around the Turkish online realm and three forms of opposition: Redhack, Alternative IS Association and personal resistances against YouTube ban. Global Media Journal: Mediterranean Edition , Vol. 10(1), 13-21,
- Burak Doğu.
(2014) Milliyetçi Hareket Partisinin alternatif mecra arayışında 2011 genel seçimleri ve Twitter kullanımı. Global Media Journal , Vol. 4, No. 8,
- Gökçen Karanfil , Zafer F. Yörük , Aysun Akan.
(2013) Turkish Media Coverage of the Armenian-Turkish Normalization Process (2008-2010): Reflections on a Critical Content Analysis. Global Media Journal: Mediterranean Edition , Vol. 8, No. 2, 11-19,
- Gökçen Karanfil , Zafer Yörük , Aysun Akan.
(2013) Turkish Media Coverage of the Armenian-Turkish Normalisation Process (2008-2010): Reflections on a Critical Content Analysis. Global Media Journal, Mediterranean Edition , Vol. 8, No. 2, 11-19,
- Günseli Bayraktutan.
(2013) The role of social media in political communication: Use of Twitter in the 2011 general elections in Turkey. Medianali , Vol. 7, No. 13,
- Aysun Akan , Lyndon Way.
(2012) Electricity and Nationalism: Different nationalisms in Turkish news media coverage of Cypriot events. GMJ: Mediterranean Edition 8(1) Spring 2012 ,
- Y. Gökçen Karanfil.
(2011) Medya ve Diyaspora: Türkiye'de Ulusaşırı Yayıncılığın Dinamikleri. Kültür Ve İletişim , Vol. 14, No. 1, 37-69, ISBN: 1301-7241
- Gokcen Karanfil.
(2008) The Message of Transnational Media: Changing Notions of ‘Threat’ and Opportunities for Cultural Diversity. Global Media Journal Mediterranean Edition , Vol. 3, No. 1, 24-33,
- Gökçen Karanfil.
(2006) Becoming Undone: Contesting Nationalisms in Contemporary Turkish Popular Cinema. National Identities , Vol. 8, No. 1,
Published or accepted to be published in refereed journals |
National |
- Altug Akin.
(2021) • 2021. İzmir’in Kültürel Canlanmasının Kitabı: İzmirkültür. . Journal Of The Izmir Mediterranean Academy. , Vol. 10. , 99-101,
- A. Özgür Gürsoy.
(2020) Anlam ve İşlev Arasında Eleştirinin Yeri: Habermas, Foucault, Biz. Cogito , No. 100,
- A. Özgür Gürsoy.
(2018) • Siyaset (veya Etik): Foucault’nun “Kendilik İlişkisi”nin Normatif Bağlılığı. Cogito , No. 91,
- Günseli Bayraktutan.
(2013) Web 1.0’dan Web 2.0’a Barış ve Demokrasi Partisi: 2011 Genel Seçimlerinde Facebook Kullanımından bir Kesit. İletişim & Diplomasi , Vol. 1, No. 1, 31-56,
- A. Özgür Gürsoy .
(2013) Bilginin Hakları Bilginin Olgularına Karşı: Foucault’nun Tarihlerinin ‘Sınır-Deneyim’ Olarak Eleştirel İşlevi. Cogito , No. 74,
International |
- Altug Akın.
(2011) Desarrollo de los medios en Turquía: Cuando se abre la caja mágica de Pandora. Infoamérica: Iberoamerican Communication Review , No. 6, 97-114,